Contempt and
Contempt and Enforcement Attorney
Daytona Beach, Volusia & Flagler County
Filing a Motion for Civil Contempt or Enforcement
Do you need assistance trying to enforce prior court orders? Attorney Carol Lee Peake can help. Contact us at the Law Office of Carol Lee Peake today. Contact us online or call us at (386) 868-4039.
Whether it is child support or alimony, the Law Office of Carol Lee Peake understands your reliance upon these payments and the financial burden that result when they are not received. We also recognize how easily you can fall behind with court ordered support payments during difficult economic times. In these cases, it is important to immediately consult with a family law attorney to ensure that your rights are protected.
Contempt of Court
There are three types of contempt proceedings. Civil contempt is intended to compel a party to comply with their obligations while criminal contempt is intended to punish the violator. When appropriate, a court using civil contempt can place a party in jail until they comply with their court ordered obligations.
Judgment Liens, Execution and Garnishment
In addition to contempt, there are several other methods of enforcing a court order. The judgment can be recorded or filed with the state to act as a lien against the other party’s property. A perfected lien can then be foreclosed or executed through the sheriff’s office so that the property is forced sold and the sale proceeds paid to you. Bank accounts and paychecks can be garnished. The court seeking to enforce a support obligation can even suspend the non-compliant party’s driver’s license or other professional licenses.
Enforcement of Time Sharing or Parenting Rights
Courts are just as serious about enforcing parenting time and relationships as they are in compelling the payment of support. Therefore, a court will not hesitate to hold a parent in contempt when he or she willfully obstructs or frustrates the other parent’s court ordered time with their child.
If you need to enforce a family court order, or you have been served with a contempt motion or other enforcement papers, you should contact a skilled Daytona Beach, Volusia County, Flagler County contempt and enforcement attorney at the Law Office of Carol Lee Peake to evaluate your case and discuss your options with you.