Criminal Law
If you’re facing a Florida criminal charge, you know that you face serious repercussions that may include fines and even jail time. However, it may be possible to avoid these consequences, and even the conviction itself, through a process known as diversion. Daytona Beach criminal defense lawyer, Carol Lee Peake, is knowledgeable about every aspect of diversion and will push for a resolution that helps you avoid the repercussions of the charges you face.
Diversion is in essence a suspension of criminal proceedings for a certain period of time while the you are given an opportunity to complete requirements laid out under the plan. Generally, if you complete the requirements, the charges against you are dismissed.
Most diversion programs are designed for non-violent, first- or second-time offenders with no history of violence. If you qualify for a diversion program, you will need to fulfill all of the obligations, which typically include classes, community service, restitution, payment of court fines and any other tasks as the prosecution deems fit. Once you complete the requirements of the program, your charges are typically dismissed.
Whether diversion is an option available to you largely depends on the type of charges you face and your prior record. If you’re facing a Florida criminal charge, diversion may be an option that allows you to stay out of jail and avoid a criminal record. A knowledgeable criminal defense attorney can analyze your case to determine whether you’re eligible. To learn more about criminal diversion in Daytona Beach or the surrounding Central Florida areas, contact criminal defense attorney Carol Lee Peake for a free initial consultation.
If you or a family member needs help with cases that involve juvenile law, family law, juvenile dependency, child abuse accusations or adoption, Ms. Peake is well-qualified to provide you with legal representation. Ms. Peake has extensive experience in these areas of the law and is prepared to go the distance for the client.