Juvenile Dependency
Daytona Beach Juvenile Dependency Attorney
When a child is suspected of being abused, abandoned or neglected, you may be faced with going to Juvenile Dependency Court. Juvenile Dependency Court is set up specifically to hear cases in which children are suspected of being harmed. These cases are extremely important as you may lose custody of your children for months or years based on what occurs in the courtroom. It is strongly urged that you contact a Daytona Beach juvenile dependency attorney immediately if you are facing a Juvenile Dependency Court hearing or case. Daytona Beach juvenile dependency attorney, Carol Lee Peake, is dedicated to helping families make their way through what is commonly called "the system" and reuniting them if possible. There are many cases in which children have been removed unfairly from their parents. These are tragic cases, and the damage done to the children who are missing their parents, and the fear and dismay of the parents is extreme.
The evidence that is necessary to remove children from their parents can be as simple as a single report to a law enforcement agency. There have been countless cases in the past when children were removed based on a report that was unfounded. This can occur with a vindictive ex-spouse, a disgruntled neighbor, or other circumstance. The children are usually automatically taken from the parents based on the report. You will then have to attend Juvenile Dependency Court to prove that your children have not been abused, abandoned or neglected. You may be required to complete a Case Plan in order to get your children home. A typical basic Case Plan may require a parent to complete an in depth parenting course, maintain stable housing and maintain employment. Case Plans may address other issues such as substance abuse, domestic violence, counseling, anger management. It is very important that you are represented by a skilled Daytona Beach juvenile dependency attorney to assist you in this matter.
In some severe cases, DCF may file a Petition to Terminate Parental Rights (TPR) asking the Judge to enter an order terminating or "ending" all parent/custodian legal rights to your children. In these circumstances, the court must conduct an "adjudicatory hearing" or a trial to determine if it is in the child's best interests to terminate the parents' rights so the child can be placed for adoption. If termination of parental rights occurs, the child may be placed or remain in long-term care with a relative or non-relative, placed in foster care or considered for adoption. If an order terminating parental rights is entered, you may forever lose any right to communicate, visit or care for your children. As a Florida parental rights attorney, Carol Lee Peake will ensure that your legal rights are represented during this emotional time..
At the Law Office of Carol Lee Peake, we are dedicated to assisting those who are facing juvenile dependency court and need help in order to reunite their families. When a child is removed from their family, the Department of Children and Families or other agency may try to make your child a "dependent" and the child will be put in foster care. If you should be in this situation, it is crucial that you have a relative care for your children while the case is being sorted out. Once your child is in "the system" it may take months or even years to get them back into your care. Don't take chances with this vital legal issue, contact Carol Lee Peake to assist you.